I offer both HDR Real Estate Photography and Matterport Virtual Tours. Package rates are available if you combine both services. Fast turnaround available on most jobs. I am a local New Mexico business always looking to form new relationships. Please inquire for details and rates. I look forward to speaking with you.


In my real estate photography, I use a careful HDR process to create images that present spaces at their very best while being as realistic as possible without overediting.



To generate virtual tours, I use a professional Matterport camera paired with Matterport’s software to generate a digital twin of a space. So much more than panoramic scans, Matterport transforms real-life spaces into truly interactive 3D models. Virtual tours allow clients to experience a property remotely and are quickly becoming a standard service in the real estate market.

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In polls of US Property buyers and sellers:

  • 74% of agents using Matterport win more listings

  • 95% of people are more likely to call about properties with 3D virtual tours

  • 82% would switch to an agent offering virtual tours